Fitch report after Government’s decision to impose ban on PTI 2024-baatnews

In all over the world, the big and vital Global credit rating agencies are Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch. Yesterday, Fitch published a briefly report based on political and social framework and approximately 75 pages on Pakistan’s economy.

The summary of Fitch report

Even after the successful legal process Imran khan will remain in prison.

The PML-N-led Government will last for the next 18 months.

In an unexpected and abrupt condition of a replacement of Government, an establishment backed technocratic Government would take place instead of an immediate election.

There are considerable risks of Military rule sometime in the next ten years.

The score of Pakistan in political risk is 60.6% and social risk is 76.6% which is very highest in the history of Pakistan.

The economy will face major threats from drought, land sliding and flood.

Severe rising inflation in Pakistan would exacerbate the pandemic and communal tense.

Political and security threats would mess up the economy stabilization and will be a hindrance for investors and businessmen.

The decision to impose restrictions on PTI and accusation of Cypher case will cause the country to more political chaos and faltering the economy.

By the end of the fiscal year 2024, the US Dollar will maximize from $275 to $290 PKR.

Member of National Assembly, the spokesperson of PML-N gave remarks on Fitch report: as the Fitch showed the faltering of Government then the risks of dispersion of economy would thrive but if Government done five years of parliamentary periods then the risks of dispersing the economy destabilizing the currency rate and Martial law would exacerbate. But Pakistan Democratic Movement(PDM) wants to rule the five years of tenure. Coalition of Government would be diffused if the joining party will show  infidelity and in my point of view PDM will exist.

Federal government is continuously striving for the cause of Pakistan not for personal interest.

Zar Taj Gul the spokesperson of PTI and member of National Assembly gave reaction on Fitch report: unfortunately, Pakistan Peoples Party(PPP) and Pakistan Muslim league N(PML-N)  accumulate for their own business. They imposed unelected people on nation. Their criteria is to just gain political power and fame but the Pakistanis rejected them with their vote power. They have not the ability to lead the country towards the progress. On behalf of PDM the Government imposed FCR on whole country, many candidates of PTI are missing and their family is being tortured mentally and physically and no one else is held accountable on this action but we showed firmness and consistency. According to Fitch report PDM government will crack down in 18 months but I thought this Government literally has dispersed and have no policies to lead the economy. PDM will lose all of its political because of own strategies and to chase fame. It’s just the imagination and thoughts of PML-N that the Imran khan’s point of view will change never bow in front of them as they are committing heinous steps. They have not allowed Imran khan to talk to their sons. Bushra bibi is under the terrorist prison without any filed case on her.

Instead of fostering the ties with Afghanistan and Iran ties with them are also cracking down.

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